The Department of Languages and Cultures offers a variety of scholarships for incoming foreign language majors as well as current majors.
- Up to $1,000 scholarship for winning the Languages and Cultures Essay Contest.
- $500 dollar scholarship for majors studying abroad.
- UE Teaching Fellows: open to 10-12 teacher candidates per cohort who are majoring in a foreign language. Teaching fellows will be eligible to receive: junior and senior year scholarships/loan forgiveness to support tuition costs. For more information about the Teaching Fellows program, visit the education department webpage.
The following endowed scholarships help fund academic scholarships to UE students. Faculty members nominate foreign language students to receive these.
- Demerode Scholarship for majors or minors in French.
- Rudolph C. and Mary Ross Ellingson Scholarship for French, German, or Spanish majors exhibiting scholastic excellence.
- Dick and Miriam Hardy Hood/William and Lina Hardy Scholarship for French, German, or Spanish majors exhibiting scholastic excellence and leadership skills.
- Mary and Wood Werking Scholarship for female majors and minors in a foreign language.
- UE also provides direct support to students seeking prestigious postgraduate and undergraduate international scholarships (Rhodes, Fulbright, Gorman, Udall, Cooke, etc.)
Additional Resources
- Study and Research Stays in Germany for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoc students
- French language and Literature Scholarships
- DAAD scholarships for Masters, PhD, and postdocs
- Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung for students interested in democracy, ecology, and non-violence
- Scholarships in Germany for International Students 2024
Office Phone
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Office Location
Room 350, Olmsted Administration Hall